Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College took the opportunity this year to celebrate World Mental Health Day 2023 by holding an event open to the public at Malvern Football Club.  The theme of the event was ‘The Power of Partnership’, showcasing our partners who work with us to deliver our wellbeing and recovery courses, as well as raising awareness of Mental Health, self-management and that Mental health is a universal human right.  The event was extremely well attended.

Speakers included NOW (New Opportunities in Worcestershire) who presented their lineup of new courses such as IT Skills, Art – a night in the Museum, Digital Photography, all designed with empowering our learners.  We heard about one of our Expert by Experience’s account of their mental health journey recovery and how they have benefitted by giving back to the community by becoming an Expert by Experience and growing further by working alongside us in delivering our courses.

Our Moodmaster Partner presented a taster session and learner testimony.  They showed that through mindful practices, you will learn to reduce stress, increase focus, and cultivate inner calm.

We celebrated our Learners during the day by including poetry readings, both beautiful and funny, from “Your Voice Matters”, an anthology created from some our poetry for wellbeing sessions where they have captured through writing their life, feelings and emotions.  If you would like to receive a copy, please contact us here at the college at xxxxxxx

The Power of our Partnerships are so important to us at Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College and celebrating our partners, who they are, what they do, and the benefits they bring.  Adult community Learning, Workers Educational Association and Talking Therapies (previously Healthy Minds) all gave presentations sharing mission and visions for mental health delivery in both Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Many of our courses provide practical strategies and techniques that our learners can immediately implement in their daily life. This example was seen by Three Counties Holistic Health care who demonstrated with a short ten-minute relaxation hand massage showing how self-massage can positively impact our mental wellbeing and overall vitality; we all took part!

Our testimonials say it all ‘Really enjoyed how interactive it was, enjoyed listening to services users and those who attended, good networking, learnt about different services, enjoyable, interesting range of speakers and stalls, good chance to pick up places to signpost to as well as

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Wellbeing and Recovery College is a college where you can choose from a variety of classes held at a convenient time, ensuring that everyone can participate regardless of their schedules but TODAY World Mental Health Day 2023 was about bringing the college to ‘Life’ by showcasing and networking with our Partnerships, learners, and potential learners.  Where we see a lot of the world of learning is done online, we believe that meeting and networking are fundamental to our Mental Health wellbeing.


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